Incubators and accelerators for podcasts?
Get your podcast mentored
Gary Vaynerchuck said a few days ago, surely not for first time, on his podcast: “teenagers want to become influencers, because they can”. We are living, Gary says, through a bigger culture shift than we realise.
Teenagers can become influencers. Young self-taught musicians get to be worldwide well known music producers. Two friends streaming video 24/7 from a webcam attached to their head can start a video platform that Amazon will later acquire for almost 1$ billion.
Many are competing for a spot (or for many, without knowing which one is theirs), as YouTube influencer, as Instagram travel photographer, as EDM producer, as founder of the next Snapchat. It’s not different in the now so-called podcasting industry. Anyone can start a podcast. Many are doing so. Few get to become hosts of the new Serial.
Gary highlights the importance of three elements for success: execution, speed and patience.
No matter how brilliant your idea is, whether it dies or thrives depends on execution. Do you have a vision? A team with focus and peserverance for pursueing that vision? Skilled, passionated and comitted enough for spending thousands of hours to move forward faster?
Can you do more? Can you move faster? Our speed depends on the skills we have and how hard we work. One way or the other, we achieve more by being more time-efficient.
Building our vision won’t take weeks or months. It’s maybe a lifetime job. Is it worth it for you? Won’t you give up? The answer to those two questions will, to a great extent, determine whether you succeed or not.
Many great ideas, some poorly executed, often by people without what it takes to succeed. That’s the case among startups… or podcasts.
The world of startups is aware of the importance of execution, speed and perseverance. Incubators help new startups launch by providing advise, skills and resources missing within the initial team. Accelerators invest capital, connections and mentorship for speeding up startups with potential to grow.
And I wonder, is there room and need for incubators and/or accelerators for podcasts?
Trying to answer — mainly, but not exclusively — that question, I’ve decided to test the idea, here: Episodeßeta.
What do you think: New podcaster, would you like to get assisted and mentored by experts and professionals? Podcasting/Audio/Radio professionals, would you like to team up and boost the potential of the future podcast hits?